Tuesday 22 November 2016

Introductions, Introductions...

Hi. Yes I am a man, a feminist, and an occasional writer.

What could be better than to combine all three identities in this one blog. Over the coming days and months I hope to:

- explore what feminism means to me
- what has shaped that self-identification
- why it matters
- the "narrow gate" for any man calling himself a feminist
- such topics as psychology, art and culture as they naturally arise

A couple of further pointers.

First, I aim to write a new post daily, or nearly daily, which may prove challenging. However, it is worth the attempt - I already have the first two weeks mapped out so let's see how that goes.

Second, while I recognise that feminism is political to the core, that isn't the initial aim of this blog.

Here, I'm more interested in exploring personal questions of ethics and identity than political questions. Politics may eventually play a major part, but there is already enough 'noise' about political issues to drown out simpler and more fundamental questions. Such as who we are as human beings, and what it means to be good to each other.

Finally, for today, if you read anything I post and wish to comment, please do. I will address comments and messages as they come up, possibly incorporating suggestions into future posts.

Thank you for reading. This post merely sets the scene. Tomorrow I intend to explore the early emotional and intellectual feminist stirrings that eventually led me to write these words.

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