It may be clear from previous posts that I refuse to break out into adversarial gender-baiting or indeed, stereotyping of any kind.
My main purpose in these posts is in some small way to alter the terms of reference, a disruptive shift - as Oren Harari said, 'the light bulb was not invented from the continuous improvement of the candle.'
Yes, we need justice, and we need material change. But a qualitative difference in human relationships is what I'm truly hoping for as a feminist man. And one of the keys in achieving this is for men to become more comfortable with their own feminine. This doesn't mean a diminution of their masculine sense of self, but rather, an acknowledgement that the feminine is valuable as a source of life and meaning within themselves.
If men can learn to do this, not only will they become more secure in their own identity, they will also be less likely to project a negative framing of their own feminine onto women. That in turn will enable men to see women through a less psychologicaly warped filter, and do much to dismantle patriarchy from within.
I hesitate to say more on this because I'm in no way a trained psychologist. And a random brief blog post is way too limited to deal with complex questions that have an individual as well as a gender basis.
That's it for today. I would love to be able to say...'next, I'll reveal just how we get to this promised land!'
That would be lovely but also unlikely. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
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